We have been lied to, deceived, all for the purpose of pushing a political agenda – SOCIALISM – on our country. We may never know the actual, physical origin of the corona virus. But that really doesn’t matter. What does matter is who/what is the driving force behind it. The driving force is satan himself. He has infected those who want to destroy this country, not with the virus, but with hatred of all that is of God. This hatred isn’t anything new. It started in the Garden of Eden, when satan deceived Eve into eating the fruit God told her not to eat. He’s been at work ever since, trying to destroy those who believe in God. He thought he had truly won the battle when he saw Jesus nailed to the cross. Was he ever wrong!! Jesus defeated satan by obeying His Father, dying on the cross, taking the sin of the world upon Him. His Father, Holy Spirit, raised Him from the dead. He is now seated on the throne with His Father, interceding in behalf of those who believe in Him. And that, my friends, is why satan continues to try everything possible to destroy those who believe in Jesus. What does this have to do with the corona virus? The United States of America was founded on Godly principles, guided by men who believed in Him and who set forth the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, with the Bill of Rights, as the country’s guide for that time and for future generations. Satan has been trying to destroy it ever since. He’s succeeded in convincing many people that our constitutional republic is not a good one, that a Socialist form of government would be better. That group of people has been trying to change our government for more years that we are even aware. They were getting closer to achieving their goal until 2016, when the eyes of another group of people were finally opened to see what was happening to our country. We decided we weren’t going to sit back any longer and allow our country to be destroyed from within. We elected a man who cares about our country, who wants what’s best for the people of this country, and who will do what ever he can to restore our country to the Godly country it was created to be. This man is Donald John Trump. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord has placed this man in the White House for His purpose. He is the antithesis of everything the satan-influenced people of this country want to accomplish by turning us into a Socialist nation. Their hatred for him knows no end. And that’s where the corona virus comes in. After they’ve tried many ways to take him down and get him out of the way, and failed, they are now using the corona virus to destroy this man and this country. We’ve been told to stay in our homes. Our jobs have been taken away from us as businesses are told to close. Schools are closed. Entertainment venues are closed. And much more. We’ve been told that this was in the best interest of our country. But was it really?  Before the corona virus, our economy was thriving, and the jobless rate was at a record low. Now all of that has changed. What better way to change the minds of the people so that President Trump won’t get re-elected than to destroy the economy and increase unemployment? We are being manipulated without realizing it (some people, that is.) Will satan win this time and redirect the path of this country back to Socialism? I pray not. Of course, we know that satan doesn’t win the ultimate spiritual battle. However, will he win the hearts of enough of the American people to steal it away from the Godly believers of and fight this spiritual battle, knowing that no weapon formed against us will prosper/prevail (Isaiah 54:17.) Our battle is against a spiritual disease borne of satan and his demonic powers, manifested in those who are God’s enemies. Our prayers loose Godly forces, the only forces that can defeat satan’s forces. We must engage this enemy virus with the healing power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  “In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)this country? It’s time to get on our knees and fight this spiritual battle, knowing that no weapon formed against us will prosper/prevail (Isaiah 54:17.) Our battle is against a spiritual disease borne of satan and his demonic powers, manifested in those who are God’s enemies. Our prayers loose Godly forces, the only forces that can defeat satan’s forces. We must engage this enemy virus with the healing power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  
“In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33)